Yuko. November 12th, 1963 to January 3rd, 2009. Died at the age of 45.
Send your message to lettertoyuko@gmail.com
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dear Tiki,
I'm not sure whether you have Xmas holiday in Japan but the holiday seasons let me think constantly about you and the children. How you all are doing? Do you still write about your loss in your blog? What did you write recently? Which kind of emotions do you carry now as a result of the loss?
Thank you for remembering me and my children. We are all fine. We do have Christmas holiday, but it is rather commercial than religious. New Year’s Day is the main holiday of the year here. Our works/schools are all off for a week, so it is a holiday season anyway.
Yes, I am still actively writing my blog. A few of the article in English, but most of them in Japanese. In fact, I will put this one on the blog as well. I am recently writing more in winter than the previous summer time. We had our wedding anniversary in October, Yuko’s birthday in November, national holidays in December/January and the deceased anniversary very soon. I have more emotions to write in the last couple of months.
I feel my sadness stays basically the same over the year, but its quality has changed a lot. It was like fresh blood bleeding, and I was afraid of being depressed or out of control last time I saw you in February. But now the scar seems to be covered with new skin on the surface. It looks superficially OK, but is still covertly bleeding inside.
I suppose I have done a pretty good job managing my emotions and our daily lives. My parents who live downstairs gave us an instrumental support of laundry and cooking. I gave enough sense of security to my three children, who are doing fine at home and their schools. My professional life is functioning as well. I reduced the amount of workload to concentrate the most important ones, but still some new projects came, which are very rewarding and satisfying. I got a new book published in November too. So my EMOTION is the only aspect of life that I still need to work through. I do not self blame like regretting I should have done this and that for Yuko. I do not have anger to Yuko or anybody.
It is a genuine SADNESS that I am still struggling. In a way it should be easier to handle only one kind of emotion than the complex of many emotions like sadness, regret, self-blaming, and anger. I still keep Yuko alive in mind. I am not ready to release her to at all. Yesterday I was waiting at a foyer with my children for the movie to start. I felt like I was waiting for Yuko to come back from the restroom. They are this kind of tiny daily moments that I realize the loss and feel the pain of sadness.
I will have an anniversary ceremony on this coming Sunday, Jan 3rd. Hundreds of people came for her funeral in last January. But this time I have only invited less than 20 people who were really close to Yuko in schools, workplaces and neighborhood. We will have a solid and calm moment together by each of us talk about Yuko in our minds. I hope this event gives us a chance to move forward and soon be ready to release her into the sky.
Do I answer your questions? It gives me a good chance to reflect my emotions. Look forward to seeing you in Buenos Aires in March.
Dear Tiki,
Thanks for sharing your emotions and things going in your life.
I believe that you used your tacit knowledge from the profession in a good way from the first moment to face Yuko's death. Yes morning is a painful process, never ending regardless time and therapy. Years show that it is possible to live the life without the deceased but everything after that trauma will be different. We enter into the morning process with the notion of reliving the memory of the died not to forget and omit the presence from the daily life.
Sadness is the most "normal" feeling coming after lose. Don't try to fight it! I guess that when you feel sad you feel connected to Yuko where ever she is now. I wish that the anniversary celebration will give comfort to you as well as to her soul.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009
- 癒したい、癒されたいという動機を持ち、
- インターネットを闊達に利用しているということ。
Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Releasing Yuko at 古着ショップ
Looking back the year 2009
I looked back for this year with my therapist today.
It was by far the SADDEST year of my whole life. I felt like every action and conversation I took during this year related to my long and difficult mourning process.
But I would not say it was the WORST year.
I managed to survive.
But I had been worrying two things; my own depression and my three kids. I was rather hyper-active to compensate my pain at the beginning. So every time I felt a bit down I suspected I finally got into the depressive phase. But then I realized I was either tired of doing something too much, hang over or getting not enough sleep. I have been full of energy all through the year in both sadness and joy.
My children are doing fine in spite of the big loss. I saw Yuma’s school teacher last week who gave us very positive comments on her performance at school. I knew she was functioning at home, so I felt relieved to know that she was fine at school as well. All of us engaged well in sports; volleyball for Zen, swimming for Yuma, gymnastics for Eugene, and tennis/golf/cycling for me. We also have a new pappy dog Kai in our family.
I recovered well enough to think of positive aspects of the big loss.
I feel like I finally became a full professional therapist who really understands people’s pain. I thrived through the biggest any men can think of, so that means I do not afraid of any kind of pain for the rest of my life (except for the death of my children).
I also found out the good quality of my support system. I managed to use every kind of people around. I do not particularly meet new people, but I found so many people that I knew are very supportive and empathize my pain.Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009
- 避ける。壁を作る
- どちらか片一方が折れる。相補的(complementary)な関係。上下関係というか。下の人が折れて、上の意見が通るみたいな。
- それでも向き合って、ふたりが対等に(symmetrical)感情をぶつけ合う。
- お互いに言いたいことを伝える。相手はそれを受け取って、伝え返す。お互いに主張し合い、ますますムカつく。
- でも、キレてはいけない。逃げもしない。
- 言い合っているうちに、譲歩し、妥協する。でも、どちらか片一方がそうするわけじゃないんですよね。双方がお互いに譲歩し合うんです。折り合うというか。そうやって、お互いが納得できるmeeting pointを見つけるんです。
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
- ちょっと照れながらも、すごく幸せそうに笑う先生を見て、結婚とか家族って自分が思っている以上にいいものだなぁと思えました。
- 私は、あまり結婚願望も理想もあまり持っていなかったのですが、先生の話を聞いて「あ、結婚でいいかもしれない!」と思いました。
- 子どもが生まれたときの先生の、「父親になった、俺が父親だぞ!」という喜びの言葉が印象的でした。
- 「出産後、愛は自分と子どもに2分されるのか、それとも2倍愛せるようになるのか?」という質問に対して「愛の質が変わる」と答えて下さり、目からウロコでした。
- 結婚生活においては、喧嘩を避けてお互いに我慢をするよりも、相手に真正面から向き合うことが大切だと思いました。
- 先生の奥さんは、赤ちゃんのために母乳をわざわざとって届けていたということで、なかなか出来ることではないと思ったし、先生の出産に立ちあっていたという話などを聞いて、子育てにとても一生懸命な夫婦だなあと思いました。
- 生まれ変わっても絶対奥さんと結婚したいと言っていたのが印象的でした。いいなーって思いました!!!