Yuko. November 12th, 1963 to January 3rd, 2009. Died at the age of 45.
Send your message to lettertoyuko@gmail.com
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Family Life Cycle
Friday, April 24, 2009
Those were the days

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Yuko never goes away
A bird gives the message back to the world, and sings a silent prayer that makes the rain cry.
The spirits up there put the sun to bed, wake up grass, and spin the earth in dizzy circles.
They toss shooting stars and listen to wishes.
- Ashley
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Full Relationship
Another thing I liked most with you, Yuko, was our conversation when we have the arguments. We verbally fought a lot, didn’t we? We did not particularly yell or shout, but used every means of words to persuade or reason to each other. We may hurt each other and were in bitter feelings most of the time. I remember most frequent theme of our arguments was our time management, or more precisely MY time management. I was trying to be a nice and present father/husband in the family, but in fact I spent less time than you would want me, or I would want myself to be at home. Another subject may be your worries on your new job or your relationship difficulties. Those were the times I recall that you and I are very honest and straight forward to each other and true to be with our deep feelings. We may argue our big gap and difference of our attitudes, values, etc. and we may fight for one or two hours. But at the end of time, I believe we could manage some kind of agreement each time. I felt very satisfying and emotionally close to you, Yuko, after we became straightforward to each other and said everything we want to say.
But as I spend more time with you, I could see you changing over time. You became a good mother of three children. You manage two demanding works beautifully; one at home and the other at work. You also manage to achieve to be an interpreter which you always wanted to be.
I never wanted you to be a housewife. I know many of my friends are chauvinistic husbands who want to be a boss of their servant wives. I may feel nice at the beginning, but I know it would be boring and may stat having affair. I want to be equal footing with you, Yuko, so that we can share freely and equally everything we have. I was wining most of the time in early days when we were young, but you became very much more assertive and confident enough to win the game, say, in the last 5 years or so. It is devastating for me to lose our fight, but at the same time I felt so much satisfying to see you become more matured.
Do you know what she said about my description of our relationship?
She said among lots of people that she had seen, it was rare to have such FULL RELATIONSHIP to each other as a couple. I think she was right that our relationship was so satisfying at least to my part. In this sense, I do not have any left-overs with you, Yuko.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
納骨 Setttling Yuko's ashes in the ground
It was a big turning point for me yesterday. We brought Yuko's ashesお骨 to the family cemetery. It is such a nice place. It takes 90 minutes from our house by car, out in the suburban area in 三浦半島with lots of nature. It is in a big public cemetery park sitting on a hill, overlooking sea water which Yuko liked. It is a ritual ceremony followed by the funeral a week after Yuko’s death. I chose not to invite people, but just among close member of the family. It was very simple ceremony. I did not ask Buddhist monk to give prayer, but each of us read out a message to Yuko. I cried from the bottom of my heart. I did not have to cry for the last few weeks, but I cried this time. Three children read very good messages to their mother.
After the ceremony, we normally go to a nice restaurant for treat. But we had a nice picnic lunch close to Yuko’s place. I wanted to stay as close to Yuko as possible.
I have been wearing our wedding ring結婚指輪 up until yesterday because I want to keep Yuko close to me. Yesterday, I took it off and left in a Yuko’s urn骨壷. I ask Yuko to keep it for a moment until I come to you, so that we can get married again in a heaven or our next lives. But don’t expect me to come soon. It would take some years before I die.
Yuko is gradually slipping away from my mind too. It may come back again, but it is the way I feel now.
I noticed I feel my sadness slightly in a different way. I use to feel pain of sadness that I lost Yuko and I cannot see her again for life, so I tried to hold her memory. But now I realize she is gone, and my sadness is more to do with my situation, that I am alone and empty.
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hi Chuck, Ed, Steve
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Dear Maurizio
Thank you so much for your sincere letter. I was wondering why so many friends of our group know the death of Yuko and send me very warm e-mails. I thought was going to let you all know the saddest news in due course, but thank you Maurizio to let them know.
Since we helped Pieter burry his father in Rome in 1997, I become very interested in my relationship with my father and, me as a father of three children. I started conversation with my father after I came back from Rome in 1997. We corresponded in the letter comparing our perspectives on our relationship of my childhood and adolescent, and found out how different our subjective experiences were on the same events of our life cycle. We had about ten long letters, and finally published it in a book in 2007. I am happy to present you if you can manage Japanese. The conversation in the book focuses father-son issue and mentioned very little about Yuko. I wrote in the post script; I could write about our relationship with my father because it was about my journey to adulthood, so in a sense it is already finished. My next task would be the same kind of conversation with my wife, but I could not do so yet because it is still on-going struggling process.
Now it is finished, so I started writing to Yuko in the form of blog in the internet. I role play Yuko in the blog to keep her alive. It is one of my hyper-active mourning works to get my sadness out. I made some parts in English so please visit if you can.
My father will be 80 in this summer. I live with my parents in the same three story house. When Yuko was alive, we manage to set the generational boundary. It is like two units of household, we have separate facilities like kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms. But since Yuko’s death, the door is kept open and became one extended family. My mother does the laundry and kitchen, and my father looks after the children. My smallest child Eugene is 10 years old. Our culture allows parents and child to stay close in bedroom. Eugene used to come to our bedroom, but realized want to separate from us. But he does not want to sleep alone in his own bed, so he decided to sleep with his ground parents about a year ago. I feel relieved to realize Eugene had not completely lost his primary attachment even Yuko died.
I wish we could meet again as a group. It is only three months since Yuko’s death, but I know it is a looong standing mourning journey, and I want your presence to go through this difficult process.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Dear Monica
It was so nice to hear from you.
Thank you so much for remembering Yuko in such a positive way. She and I enjoyed so much working with you and Froma two years ago (I believe) in Tokyo. She became a professional interpreter about three years ago. As our children are growing up, Yuko wanted to fulfill the occupation she always wanted to become since childhood. It was very demanding, but she seemed to enjoy her work as an interpreter.
I organized the 15th JAFT Annual conference last June. I wanted the conference to be international for the first time, and invited many guests from Asian countries. I asked Yuko again for the translation, and she did a marvelous work again.
I do not know how much our group had told you about the sudden death of Yuko. It was on January 3rd when our family was enjoying snow skiing as our annual recreation. Yuko and I had our last run around 3pm, when she suddenly fell down and lost consciousness without having no time to feel pain. I think we were lucky that we stayed closely together at the very last moment, kissing for hours for emergency respiration.
It was a sudden heart attack. Yuko had a aneurysm in her coronary arteries since childhood due to Kawasaki Disease. She had by-pass operation at the age of 25, one year after our marriage. Since then, she recovered very well, had a very happy family with three lovely children who are now 15 year old boy, 12 year old girl and 10 year old boy.
I am now in the middle of long and painful mourning process. I feel like moving on every day with having heavy burden on my shoulder in the last three months. I use every means of help that I can think of. I started to see a psychotherapist for the first time in my life. She is an American living here for a long time. It is nice and different to have therapy in the second language. I also keep writing my blog.
I started in Japanese, then, my therapist recommended to write in English so that more people can read. She said it would be nice to have the real time bereavement story written by a Japanese male, because people do not know much about them only to have stereotypical images of hardworking, Toyota, Honda, etc. So I will try to make it bilingual.
I realize there are so many books on the bereavement issue. She was right that most of them are written by females. I also skimmed through your edited book LIVNG BEYOND LOSS, but realized it is too early to read it. I would rather stay now on receiving side as a client than offering side as a therapist.
I wanted to come to Slovenia for IFTA with my international consultation group in March, but I had to cancel. I think I was insecurely attached to my children and could not leave them. I do not believe I can come to New Orleans for AFTA this year, but I hope to recover enough to come to IFTA and AFTA next year.
I really enjoyed being in the Men’s Institute in AFTA conference. I need that kind of group work where I can safely express my deep feeling. I like group work, and enjoyed Maurizio Andorfi’s work several years ago with Tazuko.
I am looking for a good group work for people who lost their partners. Men’s group and professional group would be preferable. I do not mind coming to overseas for an intensive work. Please let me know if you come across any kind of information.